Article No. 0033


The Creator of The Universe

“Because what may be known of God
is manifest in them, for God has
shown it to them.
For since the creation of the
world His invisible attributes are
clearly seen, being understood by
the things that are made,
even His eternal power and Godhead,
so that they are without excuse.”

Romans 1:19-20

This scripture makes it so very clear. God, the Great I AM YAWEH is alive and in control of the universe and everything in it. He is everywhere and in every living thing. He created all of us in His own image, and ALL of creation knows Him. Every tree, flower, galaxy and star and person knows that there is "something" much bigger than them without ever having known Him or His holy name. God is in all creation’s DNA.

“I AM Yahweh! The Lord! The God of compassion and mercy!
I AM slow to anger and filled with
unfailing love and faithfulness.”

Exodus 34:6

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my
the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
Isaiah 55:8-9

Our Father, the Great I AM who created us is compassionate, merciful, patient, slow to anger, brilliant beyond our imagination, and His heart is filled with love and faithfulness to His children. Our minds are finite unable to comprehend His magnitude and all of His ways. So why do so many people continue to ignore or refuse to know the One and only One who gives us each and every breath of life? The answer is simply this, rebellion. Refusal to come to know His Son Jesus and to follow His foot steps. Ignoring their mortality as though they will never die. The fact is that they will die and why do they not want to live forever in heaven? In a place where there is complete love, joy and happiness void of sin, and in the holy presence of God.

The question is, how about you! Have you asked yourself if you are in in rebellion against God and Jesus? If you don’t know the love of God deep down in your heart, would you open your heart right now with me and …

Lets Pray Together

Heavenly Father, when I read these verses I seem to hear your voice talking to me, and I realize I am in awe of You! Your words make me realize how Big your heart must be to care so much about everyone and everything you created in this world. To think how much you care for me. How you know me and all my ways. I need you to help me understand who You are. I need you to help me break my rebellion against you. Jesus, will you please forgive me of my sins and give me your heart? I want to live with you forever in heaven. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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