Article No. 0023

Broken is Beautiful

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
a broken and contrite spirit,
O God,
thou wilt not despise”

Psalm 51:17

When things get broken, that is almost always bad. Break a glass, crack a plate, or smashing a window are either an unfortunate loss or a major or minor inconvenience.

But in the spiritual realm, being broken is always a good thing. Why you ask?

Because although we are made in the image of God, by nature we are rebellious and sinful and not in the form or shape the LORD needs us to be so that we can be used for his purposes...and that is where the being broken part enters in.

Each of us is like a diamond, but not like the dazzling diamonds you see in a jewelry store. As created, diamonds are rough, crusted, ugly hunks of material. It is only when the skilled hands of a master craftsman chips and hammers deftly away and breaks off the dirty edges that the beauty can shine forth. Likewise, God needs to chip away and break those things that encumber us so that our light will shine, but first some serious "breaking" is required!

In today’s short two and a half minute video, please see how and why being broken is a powerfully good thing so we can be "fit for the master’s use." (2 Timothy 2:21)


God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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