Article No. 0022


“I will bless the Lord at all times,
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

Psalm 34:1

I’d like to let you know the best FREE medicine for your Body, Soul, and Spirit. It is simple! It is called Praising the Lord. For health to yourself, it is a sure fire way of breaking up those hard, dry places deep inside that are starved for the spiritual water that we all need to grow and stay alive in life, but so often ignore.

Just like fallow ground that was once fruitful dries up when it has no water, when you are outside of God and are not refreshed internally, life becones a battle. Like dry ground, life becomes brittle and hard and you just don’t feel the same.

There are times when we all have dry places when our walk with the Lord becomes hardened. Times when someone may have said or did something so bad that we are having a hard time forgiving. Oh, but my friend, there is only one way to soften our heart in this matter and that way is to Praise God!!

“Sow for yourselves righteousness;
Reap mercy; break up your fallow ground.
For it is time to seek the Lord, till
He comes and rains righteousness on you.”
Hosea 10: 12-13

When we praise the Lord, we are plowing up all that hardness of our heart. Praise will put your attention and focus back on Jesus and off the problem, which by the way is no problem for the Lord... it’s only a problem that has manifested in your mind when we allow the enemy of our soul to twist our thoughts and hold us captive when we don’t take time to praise the Lord. You cannot praise God and think negative at the same time.

“Let my mouth be filled with
Your praise and with
Your glory all the day.”
Psalm 71:8

“But I will hope continually,
And I will praise You yet more and more.
My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness,
And Your salvation all the day.
For I do not know their limits.
I will go in the strength of the Lord God;
I will make mention of Your righteousness
and of Yours only.”
Psalm 14:16

My friend, when you praise the Lord with your mouth you will drench those hard places plow them into furtile soil for your soul. Allow the Holy Spirit to soften and water those areas with the love and word of God. Then you will feel a great release. Continue to sing praise, or speak praise, but what ever you do, PRAISE THE LORD!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You
Jesus Loves You

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