Article No. 0021

The Prince of the Air

“…the Prince of the Air works through
the children of disobedience…”

Ephesians 2:2

Are you “on-line?” Use a cell phone? Connect through Bluetooth? Have or use WiFi? Watch TV? Cable? Satellite? We all do as in today’s world as it is almost impossible to live “off-line.” What we need to understand, especially in these modern times is that the ‘radiation danger’ from these devices is much more spiritual than physical. Here’s why.

All of the above are transmitted and communicated through the AIR, and guess who is in charge and control of that? The Bible tells us that it is Satan, the Evil One. He is the “Prince of the Air” and in control of this earth.

Today’s connected word is constantly bombarding us with bad news-- stories of strife, war, poverty, lack, abuse, conflict, arguments and the like. We are constantly programmed by ‘news’ and ‘entertainment’ that cause us anxiety, worry, and fear. No wonder! Consider the source.

Why this is happening is clearly found in both today’s scripture and in Job 1:7 where God asks Satan where he has been, and the Devil replies, &8220;from going to and from in the earth, and walking up and down in it.&8221;

So let’s put these two pieces together. The “Evil One” is IN the earth, ON the earth, and IN the air. No wonder the world is such a mess and getting worse...he controls all of it!

One of the main things people say that doubt God is if God is “Kind” and “Loving” how can he allow horrible things to happen?

Simple answer #1:
When Adam and Eve sinned against God, they relinquished control of the paradise God created on the earth and handed it over to Satan.

So the key is how do you avoid all this?

Simple answer #2:
By not being in the ‘world’ but as Colossians 3:3 says “hide your life with Christ in God.” Those that have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and are praying, reading the Bible and living lives as he would have us live have the antidote to the radiation of evil flowing through the world.

Have you made the commitment to God that you are not ‘in the world with Satan’ but ‘in Christ?’ If not, do it today. The ONLY protection against the pollution of the ‘air’ around us is to read God’s Word daily and ‘...put on the armor of light’ (Romans 13:12) and neutralize the radiation of evil in the air because “Safety is in the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:31)

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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