Article No. 0018

What Matters To God?

“But it is impossible to please Him,
for he who comes to God must believe that He is
and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

Hebrews 11:6

The answer to this question is


Faith_is_stepping_into_the_unknown_and_trusting Loving God and seeking Him is the only thing that moves the hand of God. Faith is simply knowing God’s Word and trusting it, knowing that God loves you. God’s Word is the “power” needed in any situation. Simple faith in what the Lord has said is all that is needed to have victory in our life.

Do you know the Word of God and make time to read it and meditate on it? All of us need to read it over and again to get it deep down inside of us. The Bible is our study guide to life-- our road map that leads us in the right direction. The Bible is alive filled with wisdom in how to live the life our Father wants for us, not the life the world is showing us. If I lost everything I own, I pray that I will never lose my Bible. It’s my closest and dearest friend.

When you make God’s Word your first priority in the morning it starts your day on a positive note. It will give you strength and it feed your soul. You will feel God’s presence with you and know that He is pleased with you that you put Him first before you started your day. Take a few moments and open your Bible. Put your hand on it and say,

“Lord, touch me this morning with your Holy Word. Teach me what I should know today. Help my faith to grow and grow in you. Give me divine revelations and deep understanding about life and confidence to know you are always with me no matter what may come my way.”

Yes, my friend, all we need is simple faith in our Lord Jesus, and everything will fall into place for our good and growth. God’s hand is always moving in His children’s lives, because He loves even more than we can comprehend.

The question is: What matters to God?

Your Faith, my friend. Your FAITH!

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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