Article No. 0006

Take Your Stand

“For if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him,
If we endure, We shall also reign with Him,
If we deny Him, He will also deny us...
...Be diligent to present yourself approved to God,
a worker who does not need to be ashamed.”

2 Timothy 2:11-15

Have you ever researched the definition of a Christian? We know the basic definition which says, 'To be a Christian is to be Christ like,' but the Apostle Paul gives us this definition in Philippians 3 that to be a Christian is to:

No. 1: Worship the Spirit of God. When we give our life to Christ the Holy Spirit then indwells us and we then desire to walk with God and follow His ways.
No. 2: Glory in Christ. All of our desires and affections become driven by Him. Everything in life depends on Jesus, our Savior
No. 3: Put No Confidence In The Flesh. Our focus is on Jesus not ourselves and not the things in this life because Christ is our hope.

Don’t pretend to be a Christian or be a lukewarm one. God spits these half-hearted kind of Christians out!(see Revelation 3:16) Why? Because when you are not completely standing with Christ, you are not with Him.

Friend, this is very important for you to remember because your faith in God solely depends on how much time you spend with Him. Be honest with yourself - how much time do you really spend in His Word? How often do you pray to Him for everything that concerns you? What are you doing with your time? In life trials will always come and go, and you will need the Lord to help you go through them. God always brings us out with less of us and more of Jesus.

A real Christian knows Jesus personally & intimately, and when you do you can hear his still small voice speaking to you because Jesus is so near. Do you want Him to be near you?

Christians, Take Your Stand. Wake yourself up out of lethargy if you are not worshiping, praising and walking with Jesus. Don’t be lukewarm or indifferent about your faith. Read the Word and turn up the heat in your prayer life. Evil is rampant and prayer and the use of the Word of God in faith can supernatural change situations. Your prayers can change not only your personal world but the entire world.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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