Article No. 0002

Change Your Atmosphere
Sing God A New Song!

“Make A joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before His presence with singing.”

Psalm 100:1

We all come into this world with that certain calling God already planted inside our hearts. It’s that certain something or calling that urges us to develop and fulfill. I recognized my calling as early as three. I was born to sing. I couldn’t help myself. Music filled up every fiber of my being from early morning until I fell asleep at night. I am sure all six other members of my family wished I would hush and be quiet a million times. Somehow they seemed to tolerate me while I just keep right on with my insatiable passion to sing and express my love for music. Later I found myself teaching singing for over forty years.

Did you know that when we sing God a new song, it will change your atmosphere? It will turn a cloudy day into blue? It will lift your spirit and those around you. It will increase your faith and put a new skip in your walk? Singing to God helps you to focus Him and not yourself? Singing a new song or one you know by heart brings you into His holy presence. Most of all, it pleases your heavenly Father to know how much you love Him. He doesn’t care if you are the greatest singer in the world or if you sing off key. He just loves to hear you sing. Close your eyes and just imagine the big grin on His face to hear His children sing to Him.

When the prophet Isaiah wrote, “Sing, O barren woman, you who have not borne a child! Break forth into singing, and cry a loud, you who have not labored with child!” in Isaiah 52:1, he was speaking about the restoration of Israel. He is also speaking to us about singing God praises. Then when we are feeling down or sorrowful He will return joy and peace to us.

We read in the Old Testament in 2 Chronicles 20:21 that even before wars broke out, God sent out the singers before His warriors. Singing God songs of praise prepared them with boldness and confidence to prove to Him and themselves that they were ready for victory.

A song from the Broadway musical, The King and I said, “When ever I feel afraid, I hold my head erect and whistle a happy tune…?” It is so important to sing when we feel like we are being attacked, afraid, confused, lonely, down in our spirit or weary in our mind. One suggestion which totally changes my atmosphere is to turn on inspirational praise music and begin singing along. Why don’t you do the same? Take note of how much better you will feel.

Oh, yes, sing God a new song! Tell Him how wonderful He is and thank Him for giving you life and watch how your atmosphere changes. Those ole grey clouds will start to move out of the way and blue skies will start shining through.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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