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Pastor Wayne & Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada
Encouragement For The Believer — Evangelism To The Lost

Today’s “Your Daily Note”

Years ago while ministering to several young
teenage girls in Juvenile Hall I
still can remember the words
of a ...

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University of Southern California
To Host 'Demonic'
Drag Show Called
“Drag Me To Hell”

Reference: John 3:19

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2024-10-14 CampusReform.org University of Southern California To Host 'Demonic' Drag Show Called “Drag Me To Hell”    2024-09-13 LifeSiteNews.com Pope Francis: All Religions Are A Path ToGod    2024-08-27 HarbingersDaily.com Astonishing: Biblical Illiteracy, In The Church    2024-07-28 HarbingersDaily.com Olympics Opening Ceremony Mocks Christianity, Abhorrant Sexuality, Precursor To Anti-Christ?    2024-05-24 HarbingersDaily.com Pope: People 'Fundementally Good' Contradicts Bible On Inherent Sin Nature Of Mankind    2024-02-19 EndOfTheAmericanDream.com 2024 USA Eclipse Pretends Ominous Signs    2024-02-18 HarbingersDaily.com Alarming Report: Many 8-12 Year Olds Reject Basic Bible Truths    2024-01-17 WND.com World-Wide, Christian Persecution Surging    2023-12-12 NYPost.com Turkish Parliment Member Drops Dead After Bringing Curse On Israel    2023-12-08 WesternJournal.com 25% of Generation Z Considers The Bible As 'Hate Speech'    2023-11-21 DetroitNews.com Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Codifies Abortion As Part Of State Constitution    2023-11-08 LifeSiteNews.com Ohio Voters Enshrine Abortion As Part Of State Constitution    2023-10-03 NBCnews.com Pope: Up To Priests To Determine Blessing Homosexual Relationships    2023-09-27 WashingtonStand.com Interstate Billboards Brashly Proclaim: God’s Plan Includes Abortion    2023-09-15 KEDGlobal.com Korea: Christians Embracing Using AI As A Spiritual Aid    2023-08-08 AllIsrael.com Almost Everything In Place For Building 3rd Temple In Jerusalem    2023-07-12 EndOfAmericanDream.com Extreme Weather Worldwide: Precursor To Jesus' End Times Prophecy    2023-06-02 APnews.com Utah school district bans Bible 'due to vulgarity or violence'    2023-04-30 FoxNews.com Satan-con Boston Conference: Gladly Shreds Up Bible Protests Police    2023-04-26 HarbingersDaily.com Survey: <50% of Professing 'Born-Again Christians' Believe Christ Was Sinless    2023-04-15 WND.com Poll Shows 65% of Americans Believe Churches Abandoning Tenants of Faith    2023-04-01 Commentary.org The Return & Rise Of Paganisim In America    2023-03-21 ChristianHeadlines.com Drop in Euphrates River Water Level: Precursor to Revelation Prophecy?    2023-02-03 NCRegister.com Satanic Temple To Open Free Abortion Clinic- Help Facilitate “Religious Abortion Ritual”    2023-01-29 Telegraph.co.uk British Wok Church Puts Gay Flag Over Altar    2023-01-28 DailyFetched.com 2021 Report: Over 5,600 Christians Persecuted Murdered    2023-01-12 AlphaNews.com Minnesota Politician Introduces Bill To Repeal Protection For Babies That Survive Abortion    2023-01-05 HarbingersDaily.com Survey: Majority of 'Pastors' Do Not Hold A Biblical World View    2022-12-31 FoxWeather.com 2023 Signs in The Heavens - Precursor To End Times Events?    2022-12-12 EndTimesHeadlines.com Bible Prophecy News Highlights of 2022    2022-12-02 DallasNews.com Hundreds of Texas Churches Seek to Leave United Methodist Church Over Homosexual Policies    2022-11-21 FaithWire.com Blasphemy! “The View” Hostess Proclaims, 'Christ Would Be the GRAND MARSHALL'of an LGBTQ Parade    2022-11-01 CBN.com Dallas Satanic Church Performs/Encourages “Un-Baptisim”From Christianity    2022-10-31 ChristianPost.com Only 13% Of Pastors Discourage Participation In Halloween    2022-10-15 AlbanyUpdate.com New York Govenor Declares “God Is On Our Side” On Abortion    2022-10-14 EndTimeHeadlines.com Levite Priests in Jerusalem Rehearse For Third Temple    2022-10-07 TheBridgehead.com Children’s cartoon Scooby-Doo to promote LGBT Agenda    2022-09-30 JewishJournal.com UC Berkeley Defines “Jew-Free Zones”    2022-09-27 EndTimesTruth.com QR Codes Embedded With Number Of 666    2022-09-20 JPost.com Arrival Of Red Heifers In Israel Proceeds Future Jewish Temple    2022-09-17 USSANews.com Pope, World Religious Leaders Adopt ”Human Fraternity Document” Promoting CHRISTLAM— But Excludes Christ    2022-08-29 HarbingersDaily.com Open Baal Worship Of Giant Bull Appears At Sports Event in UK    2022-08-15 LifeSiteNews.com Episcopal 80th General Convention Endorses Sex-Change Operations For “Children of All Ages”    2022-07-13 NBCNews.com Unitarian, Buddist, and Jewish Rabbi Clerics Advocate Against FL No-Abortion Law Claiming Against Their Religious Beliefs Practice    2022-07-06 Gallup.com Poll: Belief in Bible As Authoritatively True Hits All-Time Low in USA    2022-06-28 MarketSubset.com Pro-Abortionist Kick Bible Like Soccer Ball - Throw Bibles Into Toilets    2022-06-25 Yahoo.com Major Corporations Vow To Protect/Pay For Out of State Abortion Services    2022-06-24 LifeSiteNews.com Pope Welcomes Group Of 'Transgender'People In Papal Audience    2022-06-21 ChrismaNews.com Former Homosexual Says Silencing Christians Is LGBTQ Agenda’s Main Objective    2022-06-15 ChristianPost.com Pelosi Proclaims Drag Queens “Are What America Is All About” On Gay TV Program    2022-06-14 Gallup.com Belief in God in U.S. Dips to New Low of 81%    2022-06-11 NowTheEndBegins.com New LGBT Church “hymnal” called “Songs For The Holy Other”    2022-06-02 ChristianPost.com Biden Adds Proclamation Recognizing 'Gay Pride Month'    2022-05-10 WashingtonTimes.com Satanic Temple Demands Abortion As A 'Religious Ritual'    2022-04-24 WND.com Bible History Repeats? Tower Of Babel-Like Building Proposed as N. Virginia Amazon HQ    2022-04-22 HITC.com Netflix Movie Touts Story of A Man Becoming Pregnant;    2022-04-21 HarbingersDaily.com Franklin Graham: 'God Is Going To Judge America'    2022-04-15 CampusReform.org OK University Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour For Children Aged 2-10 Years Old    2022-04-06 EUTimes.net Pope Removes Cross at Malta Event to not “Offend Muslims”    2022-04-05 Israel365News.com World Economic Forum Calls for “One World Currency”    2022-03-22 DailyMail.co.uk Disney CEO Bob Chapek: We will create more LGBTQ-awareness content for children    2022-03-09 TheWashingtonStandard.com Maryland Senate Bill Seeks To Legalize Infanticide Up To 28 Days After Birth    2022-03-03 HarbingersDaily.com Biden SOTU Message: I Want Transgender Chidren To 'Live Up To Their God-Given Potential    2022-01-24 NewsWeek.com Meta (Facebook) Building AI Computer Allowing “Tower of Babel”-Like World Where All Speak “One Language”    2022-01-06 FoxNews.com German Museum Promotes Play That Christ Was Transgender    2021-12-18 ResistTheMainstream.com Sweden Begins Embedding Chips in Hands as COVID Vacc ID    2021-12-08 ChristianityToday.com Most Americans and Many Christians Do Not Believe Jesus Existed Before He Was Born    2021-11-16 ChurchLeaders.com Disney Selling Promoting Tarot Cards to Using Witchcraft    2021-11-15 FutureScienceNews.com MIT-developed Invisible Tattoo To Validate Vaccinations; Is Preview Technology For 666 Mark of the AntiChrist    2021-11-12 TheChurchNews.com Christian School Attacked By LGBT 'Community' For Teaching The Bible    2021-10-19 TheChurchNews.com Mormon Church Seeks Commonality With Islam    2021-09-23 ChristiansHealthDefense.com Physician ‘Horribly Injured’ After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine     2021-09-10 ChristianHeadlines.com Survey: 62% of Self-Identified Christians Do Not Believe the Holy Spirit Is Real    2021-09-06 SteveRotter.com Battle Over Vaccines Separating Friends Families    2021-08-30 WesternJournal.com You Tube Censors Videos If They Include Prayer for Healing COVID    2021-08-26 NYPost.com Harvard Choses Atheist As Head Chaplin    2021-08-03 TheHill.com Social Score, Like China’s, Likely Coming To The USA In the Future    2021-07-30 CNBC.com CDC study: 74% of Vaccinated people in Mass. Got Covid Again AND were fully vaccinated    2021-07-01 ChristianPost.com 25%+ of People Don’t Plan On Returning to Church    2021-06-13 ChristianPost.com Disney Plus Movie Character Touted as 'Gender Fluid'    2021-06-08 Gallup.com Gallup Poll: 70% in USA Support Same-Sex Marriage    2021-06-04 NYPost.com Chinese Scientist Filed To Patent COVID Vaccine Before Epidemic    2021-05-27 BBC.com Microsoft President Says Orwhellian 1984 Could Happen by 2024    2021-05-19 ChristianPost.com 43% of Millennials Don’t Know, Don’t Care, Don’t Believe God exists    2021-05-02 ChristianityDaily.com London Pastor Arrested For Preaching Marriage Between a Man a Woman    2021-04-16 ZeroHedge.com U.S. Church Membership Plunges Below 50% For the First Time    2021-04-05 Discrn.com Former Pastor Current GA Senator Warnock says 'People Can Save Themselves'    2021-04-02 Yahoo.com L.A. Times Op-Ed Says “Godlessness Is Good For The Nation”    2021-02-26 LifeNews.com Congressman Nadler - “God’s Will Is Of No Concern To This Congress”    2021-02-01 Israel365News.com Biden Authorizes Flying LGBT Flags Over US Embassies Worldwide    2021-01-24 DJHJMedia.com California Church Bombed For Teaching Traditional Marriage     2021-01-21 ChristianHeadlines.com Biden Inaugural Prayer Service Includes Two Transgender 'Faith Leaders'    2021-01-14 Breitbart.com China Arresting Christians Attending Church On-Line     2021-01-04 Israel365News.com US Congressman Prays BLASPHEMOUS Prayer To HINDU GOD BRAHMA     2020-12-30 WinkNews.com 2021 Travel May Require Having A Digital COVID “PASSPORT”    2020-12-16 Breitbart.com Cartoon Network Program Tells Children: There Are Many Different Genders    2020-12-03 ZeroHedge.com CDC To Start Issuing Immunity Cards According To The Department of Defense    2020-11-20 Haaretz.com U.N. Vote Overwhelmingly Supports Palestine Over Israel    2020-10-21 ABCnews.go Pope Endorses Homosexual Civil Unions     2020-10-02 CBN.com Satanists Argue That Abortion Is A Ritual For Their Religion    2020-10-01 ArizonaChristian.edu Low Percentage of American Christians Hold Biblical World View    2020-09-28 WND.com Free Speech Corner Preacher In London Hyde Park Arrested For Speaking Against Islam    2020-09-24 Breitbart.com Peaceful Outside Church Singers Arrested For Not Wearing Masks    2020-09-18 Breitbart.com Pope Declares That Nature Has 'Mystical Capacity' To Lead to God    2020-09-09 UniLad.com Skies Turn Biblical Red From Massive Fires    2020-09-01 MSN.com Over 50% of Americans Do Not Believe Jesus is God    2020-08-24 ChristianHeadlines.com Atlanta MegaPastor: Abortion is Consistent With Christian Faith    2020-08-10 USSANews.com Satanic Temple Raffles Abortions - Touts Them As BLOOD SACRIFICE To Satan    2020-08-09 TheGospelCoalition.com Survey: Majority of American Christians Don’t Believe the Gospel    2020-08-03 NotesOnLife.org Articles on the COVID-19 'ID'(Referenced in TV Program 310)    2020-07-20 WashingtonTimes.com California Churches Sue Governor over ban against Home Bible Studies    2020-07-13 Bloomberg Bank of England Considering Cashless System    2020-06-18 Reuters.com Study Finds COVID May Be More Effective In Affecting Certain Blood Types    2020-06-16 TheFederalist.com Supreme Court Redefines Definition of Sex Male/Female(?)    2020-05-09 WashingtonTimes.com House of Representives Bill H.R. 6666 To Track People    2020-05-08 WashingtonTimes.com Illinois Govenor Stuns With Idea of Closing Churches for a Year    2020-04-27 ChristianHeadlines.com 44% of American Believers Think That Jesus Sinned    2020-04-03 PatriotNews.com LGBT Lobby Attacks Samaritan’s Purse COVID-19 Outreach in New York    2020-04-01 Independent.co.UK Coronavirus Lockdown Used To Justifiy Implemention Of A Total Surveillance Society    2020-03-26 TheGuardian.com Former British Prime Minister calls for global government to tackle coronavirus    2020-03-24 ArizonaChristian.edu Low Percentage of American Christians Hold Biblical World View    2020-03-18 CNN.com Salt Lake Earthquake Knocks Trumpet Off Top Of Morman Temple    2020-03-10 DISRN.com Number of practicing Christians in the U.S.A. has decreased by about half since 2000    2020-03-02 BeforeItIsNews.com PBS Re-Booting Clifford The Big Red Dog With Two Lesbian Mothers    2020-02-27 BreakingChristianNews.com Paterson NJ Passes Law For Islam Call To Prayer To Be Broadcast City Wide    2020-02-11 LifeNews.com VA Democrats Walk Out When Prayer Against Abortion Opens Assembly    2020-02-07 WND.com Franklin Graham Banned in UK Because of Anti LGBT Islamic Viewpoints    2020-02-06 ChristianPost.com Boston Judge Rules Christian Flag Cannot Be Flown Outside City Hall    2020-02-02 TheEconomicCollapseBlog.com Four Major Plagues Sweeping Across Asia Preview Bible End-Times Prophecy    2020-01-30 LifeNews.com Methodist Pastor Prays for Women to Have the Right to Kill Their Babies in Abortions    2020-01-14 WomenOfGrace.com New Disney Cartoon Promotes Children to Practice Witchcraft    2019-12-31 FoxNews.com Growing percentage of Americans reject organized religion    2019-12-02 JPost.com U.S. Congress Votes To Support Two-State Israel-Palestine Division    2019-12-01 ProphectNewsWatch,com California Legistature Passes Bill Limiting Pastors Preaching Against LGBT    2019-11-21 EndTimeHeadlines.org Walmart Amazon Selling Children’s Book To Summon Demons    2019-11-07 BreakingIsraelNews.com Canaanite Idol ‘Moloch’ Put on Display in Rome    2019-11-06 NBCNewscom United Methodist division declares 'safe harbor' for LGBTQ clergy    2019-10-31 10TV.com Vatican Training Priests, Exorcisims on the Rise    2019-10-18 NextGov.com Scientists Look to Insect Brains as Models for Computer Chip Innovation    2019-09-30 ChristianPost.com Hindu Radicals Seek To Attack Christians & Make India Free of Christianity    2019-09-11 PatriotNews.com The Real Goal of LGBT: Destroy Christianity    2019-08-27 LifeSiteNews.com Jesuit Judge Corrected: The Devil NOT Symbolic Say Exercist Priests    2019-08-26 LifeSiteNews.com Vatican Paper Encourages Diversity of Religions Aside from Christianity    2019-08-15 CNSnews.com First Black Mass To Be Held In Canada;    2019-08-10 TheHill.com IL Passes Law Requiring Teaching LGBQT+P in Schools    2019-07-24 MetroVoiceNews.com City Removes “LORD” From Police Memorial    2019-07-11 ABCBusinessNews.com Number of Earthquakes is 3Xs Above Normal    2019-07-10 Breitbart.com Attacks on Christians Quadruple in France    2019-06-24 ProphecyNewsWatch.com Drag Queen Reads During Presbyterian Worship Service    2019-06-21 WashingtonTimes.com Alaska Government Meeting Begins with Prayer: Hail Satan!    2019-06-20 Breitbart.com 180 Companies Cite Supporting Abortion Good For Business    2019-06-18 TheFederalist.com Churches Need To Ditch Projectors & Get Back To Hymnals!    2019-06-15 The Daily Signal Christians Now Most Persecuted Religion Worldwide    2019-05-20 DailyMail.co.uk High School Student Forced to Recite Islam Doctrine    2019-05-14 TheFederalist.com CNN Guest says Unborn Babies Are Not Human    2019-05-12 Politico.eu French President Proposes Ten Member Coalition    2019-05-11 NationAndState.com MA Politicans Want To Remove “God”From Oath of Office    2019-05-10 WashingtonExaminer.com California Schools to Start Teaching Transgenderisim and Sex To Kindergardners    2019-05-09 NeonNettle.com School Removes GOD BLESS AMERICA After Pledge    2019-05-07 TheFederalist.com CNN Guest says Unborn Babies Are Not Human    2019-05-04 Yahoo.com AI-Generated Humans Look Uncanningly REAL    2019-04-29 NewsMax.com Trump Call Comforts Rabbi Shot by Anti-Semetic    2019-04-27 MCall.com San Diego Synagogue Attack Underlines Anti-Jew Hatred    2019-04-25 FoxNews.com Satanic Temple Designated by IRS As a Church    2019-04-18 WashingtonExaminer.com California Schools to Start Teaching Transgenderisim and Sex To Kindergardners    2019-04-17 The Daily Mail UK ISIS Revels in Notre Dame Tragedy Pledges Future Attack    2019-04-13 CNN.com More NO RELIGION in USA Than Catholics or Evangelicals    2019-04-12 NewsWeek.com 1/3 of Americans Do Not Believe Holocaust Occurred    2019-04-10 Breitbart.com Catholic University President Refuse to Block Porn Filters    2019-04-09 NeonNettle.com Crosses Covered UP in Cemetary to Not Offend Other Religions    2019-04-06 The Daily Mail - UK America Becoming More Godless Stats Show    2019-03-27 LifeSiteNews.com Homosexuals Openly Co-Opt Ash Wednesday With Mock Glitter Ash    2019-03-21 The Jesusulem Post Pope in Morocco: OUR MISSION IS NOT CONVERSION    2019-03-15 ABC13.com (Houston TX) Library-Reading Drag Queen Charged for Child Sex Assault    2019-03-01 GellerReport.com Nigerian Muslims Slaughter Christians    2019-02-26 NYTimes.com United Methodists Church Affirms Ban On LGBTQ Agenda    2019-02-15 ReformationCharlotte.org Hillsong Church Affirms Pro LGBQT Support    2019-02-03 ABC17News.com Sightings of Rare Fish in Japan Raise Fears of Earthquake    2019-01-29 DailyMail.co.uk High School Student Forced to Recite Islam Doctrine    2019-01-22 DailyMail.co.uk Rise of Satanisim in America    2018-12-26 DailyWire.com Christians Almost Extinct in the Middle East    2018-12-24 TheCollegeFix.com NC College Launches On-Campus Satanic Club    2018-12-18 CBN News China Says Christians In The Way OF Totalitarian Rule    2018-12-08 PJMedia.com Jesuit Priest Promotes Catholic Rainbow Rosary    2018-12-02 WorldIsraelNews.com 148 UN Nations Reject Jewish Ties To Jerusalem    2018-11-29 TheWanderPress.com Catholic University Defends LGBT Drag Show    2018-11-24 EndTime.com Islam Now 2nd Largest Religion In Canada    2018-11-20 NeonNettle.com 40% of Millennials Do not Know Jesus is the Baby in Nativity Scenes    2018-11-19 BrianSussman.com Colorado College Demands Allowing Atheists To Lead Bible Studies    2018-11-14 From World News Daily Atheist Pastor Approved By United Church of Canada    2018-11-09 TheGuardian.com Scotland Dicates Mandatory LGBT Teaching IN Schools    2018-10-31 TheHill.com IN USA 'New Age' beliefs more popular than traditional religions    2018-10-17 BloombergQuint.com Almost Half of U.S. Births Happen Outside Marriage    2018-10-15 Yenisafak.com Turkish President Says They Should Lead Muslim World    2018-10-11 ChristianPost.com NYC Mayor Authorizes X-Gender on Official Documents     2018-10-04 BreakingIsraelNews.com Ezekiel's end-of-days Prophecy About the Dead Sea Coming to Life    2018-09-28 ActivistPost.com India Legislates Biometric ID For Citizens    2018-09-27 KSL.com University Removes Bibles From Guest Hotel Rooms    2018-09-08 ChristianPost.com Pastor Faces Eviction For Hosting Bible Study in Apartment     2018-09-06 BBC.com India court legalizes gay sex in landmark ruling    2018-09-05 CharismaNews.com Satanic Movie Movement On The Increase    2018-09-04 GodInANutShell.com Red Heifer Born Could Be Precursor To 3rd Temple    2018-08-18 TheHill.com Lawmakers Once Taboo Use of Profanity Becomes Commonplace   

  Inspiring Quotes

By the time the average Christian
gets his temperature up to normal,
everybody thinks he has a fever!"

Watchman Nee

Words of Wisdom from World-Renown
Pastors, Teachers, and
Great Saints of the Faith

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Ezra 7:21 contains
every letter of the alphabet
except the letter “J”.

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All recommended!

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Pastor-Teacher Wayne Estrada & Dr. Jeanne Sheffield Estrada

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