Article No. 0913

The Church Of
Corrupt Trees

“Every tree
That bringeth not forth
Good fruit
Is hewn down,
And cast into the fire. ”

Matthew 7:19

Burning-Church Genesis describes two trees in the Garden of Eden. One was the Tree of Life, and the other the tree of Good and Evil. Both trees bore fruit, but it was the second tree that bore 'Bad Fruit'

In this passage from Matthew 7:15-19 Jesus also draws a parallel of two types of trees and relates them to two groups of people. The question then is why were one grove of trees of people bearing 'GOOD fruit' while the other group being 'BAD fruit?'

Jesus reveals how and why in 7:15 saying that false prophets enter into the grove of congregations posing as innocent sheep but secretly were as demolishing wolves that change and pervert the truth of and about God and His WORD. Jude 4 further describes these as ungodly people that creep into churches that are evilly ordained with a mission to destroy congregations.

The evidence of this is rampant today in many mainline denominations and local churches that openly embracing sin, discount the authority of the Bible, and openly accept perversions and lifestyles that are a mirror of today’s acceptable culture.

Friend, look carefully around within the grove of trees that is YOUR church!

Are those around you bearing Good, Godly Fruit?
Is what is being preached and practiced in your church Holy, Godly, and Righteous?

Remember Jesus’ words.

Seperate yourself from any house of 'worship' that is falling and burning.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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