Article No. 0911


“And many of them that
Sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,
Some to EVERLASTING life, and
Some to shame and EVERLASTING contempt.”

Daniel 12:2

“He that believeth on the Son
Hath EVERLASTING life: and
He that believeth not the Son
Shall not see life; but
The wrath of God abideth on him.”

John 3:36

EverlastingSkies Everlasting

It’s not a word we commonly use or even think about, but as these two scriptures so profoundly describe, this word has immense significance.

While living in the here-and-now and dealing with the day-to-day activities that make and take up our time, the idea of eternity and “everlasting” is probably the last thing on our mind. Yet when someone close to us dies, we commonly say they have 'Departed,' are 'On the other side of the veil' or 'Passed Over,' and that “Other Side” is the EVERLASTING — but What Everlasting Is It?

Friend, all of us will eventually move into the everlasting. The question is which side of the everlasting will it be? If you are not sure, you can be...please just re-read the two scriptures of this message and determine for yourself:


God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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