Article No. 0898

No, or

“I know your works,
That you are not either cold nor hot:
I would rather see that you were
Cold or Hot.”

Revelation 3:15

YeaNayPresent When an important issue came up requiring a decisive yea or nay vote, a well-known politician (not wanting to make enemies or offend supporters) repeatedly voted 'Present.' In doing so, his continual lack of commitment enabled him to do what he wanted without apparent consequence or judgment by others.

Many people have the same approach when it comes to making a decision about God, salvation and eternal life. In order to either not offend others and/or continue to live life without consequence, pressing the 'Present' button is an easy way to put off making what is actually the single most important decision in this life.

Regarding what you think or believe happens after this life ends is entirely up to you. No one is telling you what you must do, think or believe about this whole 'God-thing,' belief in 'Christ' and a 'need for salvation.' This is a button that some (maybe you?) are not willing or ready to push...and that again is your choice.

Friend, as today’s verse says, Christ says that he would rather see people decide to either CHOOSE HIM or REJECT HIM, but when life ends without making a choice, the 'present' button will not be there.

A vote about your eternity will eventually come up.

What is your decision?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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