Article No. 0895

Consumer Christian?
Dedicated Disciple?

“Don’t copy
The behavior and customs of this world,
But be a new and different person with a fresh newness
In all you do and think. Then you will learn
From your own experience how
His ways will really satisfy you.”

Romans 12:2

ConsumerChristan At all sporting events, there are always three types of people — those Watching in the stands being entertained, some on the bench Waiting to get in the game, and those on the field Working to win the game, and this raises a sobering observation of how the behavior and customs of the world have changed many churches from a PARTICIPATION model into a SPECTATOR model.

Many churches and church goers are now CONSUMMERs, not DISCIPLES and the litmus test of what kind of church people choose to go comes down to these three questions:

  • A Consumer Christian asks, “What Will I Get OUT Of It?”
  • A Disciple Christian asks, “What Can I Put INTO It?
  • A Consumer Christian asks, “Will This Please Me?”
  • A Disciple Christian asks, “Will This Please God?”
  • A Consumer Christian asks, “How Will They Serve me?”
  • A Disciple Christian asks, “How Can I Serve?

This is not about the difference between 'traditional' and 'contemporary' churches or worship services, but a challenge for all believers, regardless of denomination or type of worship service to not be influenced by the behavior and customs of this world, but rather always be looking at God’s Word and living a life that is pleasing to and glorifying Him above all in all we do.

Friend, what type of church are you attending?

Is it one where you are in the stands as a
* Consumer Christian?
or on the field as a
* Dedicated Disciple?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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