Article No. 0892

Are You Satisfied
With Just The Best
3 Out Of 5?

“The unbeliever doesn’t accept
What comes from God’s Spirit, because
These things are Foolishness to them
And cannot accept them since the are
Spiritually Understood.”

1 Corinthians 2:14

3OutOf5 Mention the name “Jesus Christ” and people have a variety of views, thoughts, and opinions. Essentially this breaks down to the following five points:

1. Was Jesus a real historical character?
2. Was Jesus a positive moral teacher?
3. Was Jesus crucified and died?
4. Was Jesus raised from the dead?
5. Was Jesus God Incarnate?

While people generally agree and accept points #1, #2 and #3 this “Best 3-out-of-5” is usually good enough, but it is points #4 and #5 that cause many people to pause. As today’s scripture verse illustrates, it is not due to lack of knowledge or intelligence, but because who Jesus is is much more than just another historical or loving person, or great teacher or philosopher.

Everyone has an opinion of who Jesus is, but in matters of eternity Who you are depends entirely who Jesus Christ is to you.

Friend, is your Jesus 3-out-of-5 or 5-out-of-5?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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