Article No. 0891

Salvation Is
Too Easy
To Miss

“Come unto me,
All ye that labour and are HEAVY LADEN,
And I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

TooEasy They say in golf the hardest part is what’s called “the short game,” that is, being on the green and getting the ball into the cup. But what if every time you got onto the green the ball was sitting right on the edge of the cup? If that was so, you simply could not miss.

Salvation with Christ and eternal life is also just like this! In fact, it’s so simple that it is TOO EASY TO MISS, but many DO miss it by making it HARD! And that is where 'religion' enters in.

You see, all religions in the world require you to BE or DO something in order to gain acceptance, completion, or perfection, and the “Heavy Laden” of this is in performing wayfaring works, repetitive rituals, or salutary sacrifices. On the contrary, when Christ died on the cross, he lifted the weight of sin off of the world and placed it on himself, overcame death and opened the way to forgiveness and true reconciliation to God, and the way to get there is so simple most people miss it because it’s just one easy step (put!) away.

As both John the Baptist and Christ first preached, it starts through REPENTING of your sin, BELIEVING that Christ died for your sin, and taking a stand to PROCLAIM this to others, then you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)

Friend, there is no need to struggle under a heavy weight of do’s and dont’s to be saved. There is true rest and salvation in Christ alone.

Will you cast all your sins and burdens on him, or miss this unmissable shot?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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