Article No. 0884

There Is
To Fear

“Fear Not.”
(365 times in the Bible)

Satan and Wigglesworth President Franklin Roosevelt once famously said, “The only thing to fear, is fear itself” and the Bible confirms this over and over again! Three hundred and sixty-five times, once for each day of the year, God tells us in His Word to NOT FEAR, yet this is one of the most common emotions that many people have.

This reality met truth one dark night when the great British evangelist Smith Wigglesworth heard a disturbing sound downstairs in his study. Putting on his robe, he curiously walked down the stairs, turned into the parlor and there — sitting in his favorite high-back chair — was Satan himself.

“Oh!” He said glancing briefly at him and turning casually around to go back up to his warm bed, “It’s Just You!”

Wigglesworth knew God’s Word, and understood in the core of his being that Satan is not to be feared and is truly a powerless foe.

You see, Satan only has power when we Give Him Power by buying into the Spirit of Fear. 1 Peter 5:8 describes him as a “Roaring Lion” but just like the “Shadow of Death” King David wrote of in Psalm 23, Roars And Shadows Have No Power!!

Friend, have you been fearful at some point in your life? Of course...we all have! But the reality is we are all still here and those
are (or will be) in the rear view mirror of your life.

For certain, Satan is a foe and He is powerful, but only when we let him. As James 4:7 says, when you place yourself under God’s authority, when you resist (and ignore!) the devil, he WILL run away from you.

There truly is nothing to fear but fear itself.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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