Article No. 0883

Is Not

“Your life does not consist
In the abundance of the things
Which you possess.”

- Jesus Christ -
Luke 12:15

JayLenoWithCars Comedian Jay Leno was once asked what it was like to own one of the most extensive and rare collections of the world’s finest cars, and his answer was perhaps the truest perspective that one could or should have. He replied,

“I don’t really own any of these cars.
I’m just saving them for the next guy.”

You see, the time of what we possess - or in actuality - THINK we possess in this life is temporary. James 1:11 says our life is like a flower that sprouts into a rich bloom for a short time, but then those riches - and those that possess them - will fade away. So if you possess great wealth in this life, you cannot hang onto it, and the reality is that you never really Owned Them.

1 Peter 1:4 instead gives us an eternal perspective on true ownership where it says that all in Christ “…have been born into a new life which has an inheritance that can’t be destroyed or corrupted and can’t fade away. That inheritance is kept in heaven for you.” (God’s Word Translation)

Friend, our life and true riches does not consist of the temporary wealth of the 'HERE and NOW' but in the blessed assurance of ownership and being owned in Christ with an eternal inheritance of blessings with God in the HEREAFTER.

The only real thing of value that we can truly OWN is the gift of eternal life that comes from salvation through Christ.

Have you accepted His Free Gift of Salvation?

It is the only thing of VALUE that one can truly OWN.

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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