Article No. 0877

Hearing In
A Non-Listening

“To whom shall I speak and give warning
That they may hear?
Behold, their ears are closed
And they cannot listen.
Behold, the word of the Lord has become a reproach to them;
They have no delight in it.

Jeremiah 6:10

ListenInCrowd There is an important difference between Hearing and Listening.

In our media-intensive world we are constantly HEARING hundreds of voices daily which successfully distracts us from being still enough to LISTEN to those things that are really important. While it might be easy to blame this on our highly-connected world, this actually is an age-old problem that is even more appropriate for today.

You see, not only is it difficult for people to LISTEN, they are also Unable To Hear, because they take no interest in WANTING to hear ...and Jesus told us why.

When his disciples asked him what would be the sign of his coming and the end of the world, he simply said “Take heed that no man deceive you.” (Matthew 24:4) His warnings are the same warnings that God has pleaded with people over all time to not be deceived by the ways and voices of the world and turn away from these things to the safety of salvation and eternal life.

Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God” and as today’s verse reminds us the LORD is warning and wanting to save ALL ..that will LISTEN.

Friend, God is speaking and he wants you to hear.

Will you listen to His loving plea of forgiveness and salvation?
Or choose to cover your ears?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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