Article No. 0863

That Which
Fills You

“…Be filled
With the knowledge of his will
In all wisdom and spiritual understanding.”

Colossians 1:9

WorldWordPitchers A popular ad years ago proclaimed “You ARE what you EAT.” That is, the source and quality of the food you let into your body determines how healthy your body will be.

The exact same thing can be said about what you let into your mind.

The Bible mentions many thoughts offered by the World that are in sharp contrast to the Word (of God) and it is up to us to be careful about which thoughts we will let in:

  • EVIL --> Genesis 6:5
  • DILIGENCE == Proverbs 21:5
  • INIQUITY --> Isaiah 59:7
  • COMFORT == Psalm 94:19
  • WICKEDNESS --> Proverbs 15:26
  • PEACE == Jeremiah 29:11

Therefore, it is imperative to guard which thoughts you let into your mind, because as Proverbs says “As you think in your heart, so will you be.”

Friend, fill your mind with God and his Words of Wisdom, and not Words of the World, because when you do, “The peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your HEARTS AND MINDS through Christ Jesus.”

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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