Article No. 0862

Don’t Ignore
These Two Important

“And he (Christ) hath on his vesture
and on his thigh a name written,
Revelation 19:16

Boy+Book Each year, Webster’s dictionary adds hundreds of new words like app, selfie, photobomb and many others while other words fall out of favor.

For example, when was the last time you heard or read the words 'entreat,' 'peradventure,' or 'dollop?!' Thousands of words like these and others have been lost over time appropriately due to changes in culture and consciousness, but tragically there are two words in particular that are extremely important that have both been largely ignored and forgotten by the world today.


These medieval-sounding words may only seem appropriate to most people if used in a children’s fairy tale about a castle in an imaginary kingdom ruled by a mighty lord sitting on a throne — however there is more TRUTH to this depiction than fantasy.

You see, there is a KING who is LORD over a KINGDOM, and that is the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The word in Greek for Kingdom is 'Basilica' which actually doesn’t refer to a grandiose edifice, but etymologically more accurately means HALL OF JUSTICE. In today’s verse from the Book of Revelation, when Christ returns as LORD to rule over His KINGDOM, he is returning as a judge over the JUST and the vanquisher of the UNJUST.

The Bible says that all those who confess that Christ is Lord and believe that he rose from the dead are JUSTIFIED by their Faith and have peace with God (Romans 5:1) and JUSTIFIED by his Blood (Romans 5:9) and are saved from the wrath to come.

Friend, do you identify with Christ as LORD over a KINGDOM, or are these just archaic words irrelevant for today’s world?

God Bless Your Day
Jesus Loves You

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